How to Make Whey at Home | Fermented Recipes Using Whey | The Old Farmer's Almanac

Making Whey and Recipes with Whey

Photo Credit
Celeste Longacre

How to make homemade whey

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I love homemade whey, that cloudy liquid that remains after milk has been curdled or strained, and it can be used in many fermentation recipes. Whey contains probiotics which are “good” bacteria that is good for your health, especially your digestive system. 

I add whey to all of my fermented foods such as sauerkraut, ginger ale, ketchup, and pickles. Our ancestors always fermented their condiments; this gives them not only probiotics but digestive enzymes as well.

After two years of drinking beet kvass, my periodontist told me that my tooth pockets were smaller than they used to be. In the four years that I have now been drinking a shot glass with most of my meals, I have not been sick once.

How to Make Whey

To make whey, you have to have access to raw milk. That is the only kind of milk that I buy. Pour some of the milk in a glass jar and cover loosely to keep dust and other debris out of it. Leave on a kitchen counter for four to seven days or until it begins to separate. The warmer the room is, the faster it will separate.

Put a strainer over a bowl and place a piece of cheesecloth in the strainer. Pour the mixture through it.

The curds will stay in the cheesecloth and the whey will fall into the bowl. Refrigerate the whey until you are ready to use it.

The curds can be made into a spread by adding some chives, basil, garlic powder, turmeric or whatever other herbs you like to eat. 

This and many other how-tos and recipes can be found in my new book, Celeste’s Garden Delights. Enjoy!

Recipes with Whey

These are great fermented recipes in which you can use your new homemade whey.

Fruit Kvass


Beet Kvass


Fermented Mayonnaise




How did your whey come out, and which is your favorite fermented recipe? Tell us below!

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