How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Perennial Hibiscus
This site has had the simplest and most appreciated information on my plant. I was always told to not let it seed out
but it seems I don't have to worry about that ? I have dug up portions and given to friends thru the years. Thanks for
making it easy !
Fairfield Conn. has a fantastic Hibiscus grove/plantation in front of the Staples store; (@ Exit 22); I'll go there today to see how big the Hibiscus flowers are~: )
Is there a hardy Hibiscus plant for Zone 3?
Unfortunately, the lowest zone is zone 4. These plants aren’t fans of frost. However, you could get away with zone 3 if you bring inside when it gets colder. Put in a place that stays warmer than 50 degrees and has light.
Question?... I would like more infos on how to care for Hibiscus inside the house for the winter should I remove the small leaves on the bottom stem? When should I cut in down of one third?...Should I spay the leaves with something when bringing it from my patio to inside the house? should I fertilize??