Gardening Advice | Almanac.com

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Gardening Advice

October 12, 2022
When you are shopping for spring-flowering bulbs this fall, keep an eye out for shallot sets. As you plant your garlic, make room for some of these tasty little onions, too. You can even interplant them in your flower bed alongside the tulip, crocus, and hyacinth bulbs. Their oniony odor can keep rodents at bay while giving you early shallots to enjoy. What are Shallots?  Think of…
October 11, 2022
If you can’t visit the tropics, try growing your own citrus trees in containers! Dwarf citrus varieties will grow year-round if kept in the right conditions. They all bear edible fruit and have glossy, evergreen leaves and delicious-smelling flowers. (The scent is heavenly!) Learn how to care for your indoor citrus trees. There are many kinds of citrus that work well as container…
October 11, 2022
Do you know your winter squash? The squash is part of American history, having started as a native vegetable grown by the Wampanoag people. Today, there are dozens of squash varieties, ranging in shape, size, and color! They're so convenient because they will last many weeks (or months) and are easily worked into so many dishes. Here's a quick guide to our favorite types of squash for…
October 4, 2022
Save seeds from this year’s pumpkins to plant next year! It’s fun to grow your own jack-o’-lanterns. Here’s how to store those seeds this fall and plant in the spring! You also save money by growing your own. Pumpkins are easy enough to grow and require very little pampering. And if you have a special heirloom variety, you can try to grow it again! 1. First, scoop…
October 4, 2022
Last week, I gathered some lemon verbena, dried the leaves, and steeped in a tea. This “nervine herb” has an immediately relaxing quality. Many of modern society’s drugs have come from Mother Nature, so let’s come back down to earth! Here are 5 naturally-calming herbs that reduce stress! We are living in uncertain times that can cause even the calmest person to…
October 1, 2022
Some flower bulbs will not survive cold winters and need to be dug up and stored indoors over winter. Among these are cannas, elephant ears, gladiolus, tuberous begonias, dahlias, and other summer favorites. Many of these bulbs are expensive, yet they’re easy to keep, so it is worth it. Here’s how to store bulbs over winter. What Are Tender Bulbs? Unlike spring bulbs…
September 30, 2022
What to plant in a fall garden? Why, there are many vegetables which can take advantage of that still-warm soil and thrive in cooler weather, especially those hardy heros! Some even taste better with a nip of frost. Discover the must-grow veggies to sow this autumn to keep your garden cropping for longer. Albert Camus said that autumn is a second spring because every leaf is a flower. For…
September 28, 2022
Peppers rarely have serious issues in the vegetable garden. However, this year, we had some pepper growing problems. I thought I'd share our experiences so that you may also benefit if your peppers have problems!  We have grown 10 to 20 different types of hot peppers every spring for many years with no problem whatsoever. Our plant customers appreciate the variety ranging from mildly hot '…
September 27, 2022
Budgets are tight right now, but you don’t have to put your dream garden on hold. Fill up any empty spaces you have by splitting up overcrowded perennials. See how and when to divide perennials—and which can be divided in fall versus spring. Why Divide Perennial Plants? Perennials are plants that grow back each year (versus annuals). Dividing or splitting your plant into multiple…
September 24, 2022
Find out how to overwinter rosemary and grow rosemary indoors to keep this wonderful herb growing all year! A reader’s question about overwintering rosemary reminded me that it was something I wanted to write about. I have had mixed results with rosemary plants over the years, but after killing a few I think I have finally gotten it right. Every fall at least one person…
September 23, 2022
This fall, be on the lookout for deceptively beautiful berries. Some of these berries are poisonous! Even if you don't plan to pop one into your mouth, it's helpful to know which plants in the landscape have poisonous berries. Here are the most common "forbidden fruits" of fall.  Poisonous Berries in Fall If your kids have been active participants in berry picking all summer long, let…
September 23, 2022
Lavender grows best outdoors, but you can keep these aromatic gems alive through winter inside, too. Plus, lavender is not only pretty—its scent also brings a sense of calm to every room. Here are some lovely lavender varieties and advice on how to overwinter lavender. Is Lavender a Perennial or Annual? A fragrant and colorful plant native to Europe and Western Asia, lavender is a sun-loving…

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