Bird of Paradise: How to Care for Bird of Paradise Plants | The Old Farmer's Almanac

Bird of Paradise

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Botanical Name
Strelitzia spp.
Plant Type
Sun Exposure
Bloom Time
Hardiness Zone
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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Bird of Paradise Plants

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Looking to give your home or garden a tropical vibe? The regal Bird of Paradise plant, with its large leaves and magnificent flowers, is just what you need. Here’s how to care for Bird of Paradise plants—from potting to promoting blooms!

About Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise plants are native to South Africa, though they have come to be associated with tropical scenes across the world and are often used as landscape plants in warmer regions of the United States such as Hawaii, southern California, or Florida. In fact, they are the official flower of the City of Los Angeles!

In colder climates, they can be grown indoors as an attractive—and quite large—houseplant. Place them in a sunny spot in the home and bring them outdoors during the warmer months, but be sure to acclimate them to the stronger sunlight or their foliage may burn.

Bird of Paradise Flowers

The Bird of Paradise gets its common name from its stunning, brightly-colored flower, which resembles a bird in flight. The most common species of Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) produces an orange and blue flower, while the less-common White Bird of Paradise (S. nicolai) has white flowers highlighted with dark blue. 

In ideal conditions (i.e., proper lighting, watering, and temperatures), these plants are capable of producing dozens of long-lasting blooms throughout the year.

  • Bird of Paradise plants prefer to be slightly pot-bound, so use a container that offers only 1-2 inches of space between the roots and wall of the pot. This encourages blooming.
  • Plant in a well-draining potting mix. The potting medium should be allowed to dry out to some extent between waterings; using a well-draining mix helps to ensure that the soil doesn’t remain wet.
  • Do not plant too deeply. Expose the top of the roots to encourage flowering. 
  • Bird of Paradise prefers full sun but will tolerate indirect light. 
  • This plant grows best in temperatures between 65° and 70°F (18° to 21°C).
  • Thoroughly wet the soil when watering. Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again.
  • The plant prefers moderate humidity, which may require daily misting with a humidifier during the winter months.
  • Fertilize every 2 weeks in the spring and then every week through the end of summer. Fertilize monthly in the fall and winter.
  • Early spring is the best time to repot a plant that has outgrown its pot. 
Wit and Wisdom
  • The Bird of Paradise plant is also known as the Crane Flower.
  • When not in bloom, this plant has large, blade-like leaves that resemble those of a banana tree. In warm climates, they can make for stunning landscape plants that foster a truly tropical vibe.
  • Georgia O’Keefe painted white Bird of Paradise during her time in Hawaii in the 1940s. It has become one of her most famous paintings from that time.
  • Bird of Paradise may have trouble with scale insects, mealybugs, whiteflies, and aphids.
  • Root rot can occur from potting soil that does not drain enough or from overwatering.

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