Anthuriums: How to Care for Anthurium Plants | The Old Farmer's Almanac


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Botanical Name
Anthurium spp.
Plant Type
Sun Exposure
Flower Color
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How to Grow and Care for Anthurium Plants

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Anthurium (also called flamingo flower or Hawaiian love plant) is grown for its brightly colored flower spathes and ornamental dark green leaves. They are a classic and lovely houseplant, especially when given as a gift. Here’s how to care for anthuriums in your home!

Look for varieties with flower colors beyond the usual red. Purple, lavender, pink, and hot-orange blooms cover plants 10 months out of the year. There can be dozens of flowers on the plant at a time! 


How to Plant Anthuriums

  • Use well-draining soil with lots of organic matter.
  • Anthuriums prefer bright but indirect light. In direct sun, they may dry out too much and leaves may develop brown, burnt tips.
  • The plant prefers a location with temperatures between 60° and 85°F (15.5° to 29°C).

How to Care for Anthuriums

  • Anthuriums like humid conditions. Keep the pot on a tray of moist gravel or mist with water several times a week.
  • Keep soil moist, but not wet. Allow the top inch or so of soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Fertilize with a houseplant fertilizer high in phosphorus every 2 weeks in spring and summer.
  • Repot every 2 years, or when the plant becomes pot-bound.
  • Keep away from pets and children, as parts of the plant can cause mouth irritation and stomach distress if ingested. 
Wit and Wisdom
  • Anthurium can be grown in a tall glass of water! Keep the glass two-thirds full with water and add a drop or two of liquid houseplant fertilizer to the water every 10 to 14 days. Fill the bottom 3 inches of the glass with small pebbles to anchor roots.
  • Anthuriums have come to symbolize hospitality with their flowers that inspire happiness and abundance. 

The plant is usually not affected by other pests or diseases.

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